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Struggling with fertility is hard for anyone, but being a male and having fertility issues brings a different level of complexity to it. Feeling overwhelmed and alone are just the tip of the iceberg - I know, because I was there.

However, when it comes to finding support and advice for this, men often fall through the cracks and don't feel heard.

This is why I trained as a Transformational Coach; to provide a wider range of objective and structured guidance to men dealing with fertility issues. By utilising my mix of professional training and personal, lived, experience in the area, I provide a unique style of fertility coaching that you won't find anywhere else.

I studied for my qualification at the renowned coaching school Animas. My diploma is accredited by the highest standards in coaching globally, the ICF, and I've worked with men from all over the world since qualifying.


Laptop and Diary Topview


Coaching is held online, over Zoom, so location isn't an issue.

I have worked with men across the world, in different timezones. I can fit in with your busy schedule, to provide the session when best suits you.

I currently offer two coaching packages:

  • 1 hour single session: £95

  • 3 x 1 hour sessions: £250


Infertility, and undergoing fertility treatment, creates isolation, confusion and shame. Fertility Coaching provides strategies to assist you through the hard times when trying to conceive, as well as the tools for growth into the future.

Coaching will help you better understand the thoughts and feelings that often keep us going around in circles, not progressing, and as your coach, I will help you to eliminate negative thought patterns, and assist in providing you with a clear, and stronger, mindset.

Where counselling often centres around the reasons behind things, and is reparative in nature, coaching focuses on the here and now, and on creating an impactful future.

Coaching is change oriented: it focuses on creating change rather than, say, emotional release for coping, and so typically has well-established goals or outcomes. It is based on the assumption that people can grow and change to become happier and realise more of their potential - no matter what they are currently faced with.

In transformational coaching, the focus is on helping a client become more aware of their deeper, often taken-for-granted, assumptions that shape how they experience their life or a given situation. This is particularly relevant to men faced with fertility issues, due to the knock on effects it has with their identity as a man.

The ultimate aim of transformational coaching is to create perspective shift. I will help you thrive in spite of what you are going through.

Check out these testimonials of my previous clients to see how coaching impacted them.

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